TRIANGLE UFO Paris France Possible TR 3B Project Francais July 23, 2008

In an eerie reprise of one of the world’s great UFO flaps, the Belgian incidents of 1989, a huge triangular object was observed over Paris two nights ago. The object was seen at about 9:50 PM, moving slowly through the night sky at almost rooftop altitude. The witness was in a small public park at the corner of Rue d’Alesia and Rue Vercingeton in the 1st Arrondissment. It was a dark and, for Paris, unusually clear night, and he chanced to look up to see the stars. At that moment, he saw the craft, just visible against the night sky, moving across the Rue Vercingeton and disappearing over the roofs of buildings, as shown in Mr. Cozanet’s recreation. Unfortunately, the other person present was looking in another direction and did not see anything. On June 30, 2004, another witness in Paris observed a triangular object, lit with a white light at each corner and a red one in the center, passing silently overhead. Shortly thereafter a second triangle appeared, this one brightly lit, and remained
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