“daughters of themyscira, show him your fear!“
I am, once again, asking for a film about the amazons and the amazons only!! after the snyder cut released I knew I had make another video of these badass women someday. today is that day! hope you enjoy! also: HOW AMAZING is this song? I’m actually so in love with it.
► fandom: wonder woman, DC, justice league, zack snyder cut
► character (actor): wonder woman, diana prince (gal gadot), young diana (lilly aspell), hippolyta (connie nielsen), antiope (robin wright), menallipe (lisa loven kongsli), venelia (doutzen kroes), philippus (ann ogbomo), artemis (ann wolfe), orana (mayling ng), euboea (samantha win), egeria (madeleine vall beijner), epione (eleanor matsuura), mnemosyne (josette simon), penthiselea (brooke ence), aella (hayley warnes), senator timandra (danielle lewis), senator acantha (florence kasumba), niobe (jacqui-lee pryce), trigona (hari james), asteria (lynda carter), competitor (jade johnson)
► software: sony vegas pro 13
► Music
Eternal Eclipse on YouTube: @eternal-eclipse
Eternal Eclipse on Facebook:
Track: Reckoning
Composer: Flynn Hase Spence
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#wonderwoman #amazons #daughtersofthemyscira #zacksnydercut #justiceleague