LIVE: Vienna / Austria - Protesters gather against COVID-19 restrictions #irl

Vienna, Austria / Österreich Support this stream: Demonstrators rally in Vienna on Saturday, September 11, to protest against COVID-19 measures imposed by Austria’s government. Earlier this week, Austrian authorities have announced that starting from September 15, the government would tighten a range of coronavirus measures. The plan will imply that antigen tests will only be valid for 24 instead of 48 hours, and unvaccinated people will be required to wear FFP2 masks in non-essential shops. Citizens who have received a jab, on the other hand, can remain mask-free in the facilities mentioned above, although wearing a mask is still recommended. Speaking at a press conference, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said, ’the answer has to be vaccination and not lockdown’ and added that the measures would apply solely to unvaccinated citizens to protect them and prevent hospitals from becoming overcrowded. Demonstranten protestieren am Samstag, 11. September, in Wien ge
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