Английский язык 8 класс (Урок№9 - Shopping.)

Английский язык 8 класс Урок№9 - Shopping. You will learn the names of the shops and shopping places. You will learn some common words and phrases on the topic Shopping. You will learn how to ask for and give directions. Речевой материал: лексический: post office, florist’s, shoe shop, hair dresser’s, fishmonger’s, bakery, jeweller’s, chemist’s, butcher’s, clothes shop, optician’s, newsagent’s, bazaar, department store, flea market, car boot sale, shopping mall, magazines, a bunch of , a kilo of, send a letter first class, silver necklace, a packet of , a new pair of, some stamps, some prawns, suit, expensive, I need to buy some, Where’s the nearest…?, Whereabouts is it exactly?, opposite the…, just round the corner, between the… and the…, a five-minute walk from here. Prepositions of place opposite — напротив just round the corner — сразу за углом down/up the road — вниз/вверх по улице right across from — прямо через between — между Литература: Ваулина Ю. Е.,
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