- GRIVA feat RAVNICA /tamburaški orkestar/ & Đorđe Jovanović /bas/
Otrovna I gorka romantika,
urbana paorska seta, žestoka nežnost I presni rifovi,
sitne tambure I režeće gitare novosadskih rokerskih dinosaurusa,
povest su vremena kada se RNR svirao iz dubine,
iz moranja I očaja, iz inata I za sitne pare.
Podjednako ukorenjene u najboljoj tradiciji rokerskih balada
I autohtonih panonskih bećaraca, pesme grupe
Griva podsećaju na vreme I na generacije koje su stasavale
između pionirske marame I skojevske ozbiljnosti,
na školskim priredbama, radnim akcijama,
igrankama u seoskim domovima kulture, I očajnički bile željne
razbarušenosti Zapada, novog I žestokog zvuka
a opet prepoznatljivih motiva --
na generacije koje su bile željne slobode.
Tako rastegnuta između ravničarske melanholije
I tvrdog zvuka surovih gradskih kvartova,
između akustičkih balada I električnih gitara,
između istoka I zapada, između lakog I teškog, prošlog
I budućeg, muzika grupe Griva sluša se srcem.
Sa glavom u oblacima I obe noge čvrsto na zemlji
ovi urbani paori I danas duboko oru našu unutrašnju crnicu.
Goran Bulatović
Griva was formed in 1982 by former Ibn Tup members, vocalist Zlatko Karavla and guitarist Josip Sabo. The band’s first commercial success was a heavy metal cover of Lepa Brena’s song “Sitnije, Cile, sitnije“ (Griva’s version was titled “Sitnije, sestro, sitnije“). The single with songs “Sitnije, sestro, sitnije“ and “Tebi je važna samo lova“ was given as a present to buyers of the comic book magazine Stripoteka.
Griva’s debut album Kog sam đavola tražio u tebi (What the Hell I Saw in You), released in 1983, was very successful. Griva became a support band on Divlje Jagode’s Yugoslav tour, but after several concerts, Griva members decided to start their own tour. The band also had several concerts outside Yugoslavia, and was an opening band for Motörhead on their concert in Pionir Hall in Belgrade. The band refused an invitation of Motörhead’s manager to join Motörhead as the opening band on the rest of their European tour.
New material recorded in 1985 was refused by Griva’s record label Jugoton. Album Nisi ni ti anđeo (You’re Not an Angel as Well) was released through an independent label Panonija Koncert, but was not followed by presentation in the media and a tour. Album featured a cover of Joan Jett’s song “I Love Rock ’n’ Roll“, Griva version titled “I law Myroslaw“ (the title referring to folk music singer Miroslav Ilić). After the album was released, Zlatko Karavla recorded “Kaljinka“, a provocative song about Chernobyl disaster, with Divlje Jagode frontman Alen Islamović, but the broadcasting of the song was forbidden.
In 1986 the band released self-titled album Griva, usually referred to as Vojvodino, Vojvodino, što si tako ravna (Vojvodina, Vojvodina, Why Are You so Flat) after its biggest hit. The new album brought glam metal-oriented songs with elements of folk music of Vojvodina. The album featured a Serbian language cover of Omega’s song “Gyöngyhajú lány“, Griva version titled “Devojka biserne kose“.
In 1988 band’s fourth studio album Što te tata pušta samu (Why Does Your Daddy Let You Go Alone) was released through PGP-RTB. In May Griva performed at the international rock festival in Budapest as one of the headliners. After returning to Yugoslavia, Griva held a concert in Spens Sports Center in Novi Sad with Sing, Sing, Singers, Osmi Putnik, Viktorija and Alen Islamović appearing as band’s special guests. TV Novi Sad produced Griva’s special show, and Griva went on their last Yugoslav tour.
In 1991 the band started recording their last studio album Pij, jedi, veseli se... (Drink, Eat, Be Happy...), which was, due to the situation in Yugoslavia and the outbreak of Yugoslav wars, recorded for more than year and a half. Zlatko Karavla finished album recording with various musicians and released it under the Griva moniker in 1992 for the independent label Megaton. Two videos were recorded but there were no live performances, and Griva officially disbanded.
[edit] Reunions
In September 2002 record label One Records released the compilation Samo najbolje (Only the Best), and in December the band reunited for an unplugged concert in Studio M in Novi Sad. The recording of the concert was released in 2010 on the live album Griva & Co. - Live. In 2004 the band reunited to perform at Moto Fest in Novi Sad. In 2010 Zlatko Karavla has teamed with four musicians from Novi Sad: Aleksandar Gabrić (guitar), Igor Radat (keyboards), Uroš Marić (bass) and Srdjan Golubica (drums), performing concerts as Griva throughout Serbia, and mainly Vojvodina. A new studio release is in the making
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