Black Bear Brand... its TIME

Best thing I can do is go... experience life and live my dream. ________________________ We are meant to explore this earth like children do, unhindered by fear, propelled by curiosity and a sense of discovery. Allow yourself to see the world through new eyes and know there are amazing adventures here for you. ________________________ It’s deep into winter here in the Pacific Northwest and it’s been raining for the last 40 days. I’ve had my head down designing in my home studio for weeks and I’m restless. I’m starving for inspiration. Black Bear Brand and its designs are an extension of my experiences. I’m driven to experience life, get touched by nature, learn, to be pushed and to endure, to have an affair with uncertainty… to ignite my love for living. Dreams of the West and of hitting the road are overtaking me. My restless, roaming spirit does not allow me to remain at home very long. It’s time to travel, to see and touch the world, disconnect and reconnect. It’s time for another advent
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