Midjourney 5.2 | 100 artists whose name make your prompts look different | Part 3
100 artist names for Midjourney v5.2 that make your prompts look totally different and not necessarily anything like the artist’s style. Part 3 Exploring the snames of artists in combination with different subjects to see how Midjourney behaves.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Music generated with Mubert:
All images created by Thaeyne with Midjourney:
Voiceover generated with:
Talking images with:
Depth animations with:
Moving images with:
And more moving images with:
0:00 Intro
2:23 Agostino di Duccio
2:34 Alberto Arnoldi
2:45 Alex Janvier
2:53 Alexander Archipenko
3:07 Alfred Manessier
3:18 Alfred Rethel
3:26 Anders Zorn
3:36 Antonietta Raphael Mafai
3:50 Arne Jacobsen
4:04 Artemisia Gentileschi