Hymns to Bastet the Cat Goddess | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers

Bastet is an important beloved ancient Egyptian goddess. Bastet is depicted as a cat and a lioness. She is the daughter of Ra, sister of Sekhmet, and the wife of Ptah. Bastet is still worshipped today and her protection is believed by some to be cast over modern cats. The two hymns included in the video are from: Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers Series Hymn to Ma’at | Ancient Egyptian Hymns Supplication to Amun | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers Hymn to the One God | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers Hymn to Osiris | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers Prayers to Hathor | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers Prayers to Atum | Ancient Egyptian Hymns and Prayers https:/
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