How to Use a Button with an Arduino (Lesson #5)

Learn how to use a button as a digital input to an Arduino I/O pin with the digitalRead command. See our complete playlist of Arduino tutorials here: and the Science Buddies website for cool science projects you can do with an Arduino: 0:00 intro 0:23 materials 0:37 algorithm: pseudocode 1:31 algorithm: flowchart 2:22 build the circuit 8:29 connect a pull-down resistor 9:54 write the code 13:59 test your code 14:19 reverse button behavior 16:18 variables 20:40 up next Science Buddies also hosts a library of instructions for over 1,500 other hands-on science projects, lesson plans, and fun activities for K-12 parents, students, and teachers! Visit us at ?from=YouTube to learn more. #STEM #sciencebuddies #arduino #electronics #programming ******************************* Connect with Science Buddies: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST:
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