Народные танцы. Самопляс. Урок 03 Ковырялочка Pick

Ковырялочка - это движение ног, исполняется из 3 позиции в сторону - носок, пятка. Сочетается с различными движениями рук, с дробями, с гармошкой и другими основными элементами народного танца. Данная комбинация состоит из ковырялочки и тройного притопа. Pick is the movement of the legs, marks of the 3 positions in the direction of the toe, the heel. It is combined with various hand movements, fractions, accordion and other basic elements of folk dance. This combination consists of a pick and a triple inflow. We will be very happy for your feedback!!!))) Comment! Put huskies! Share! Thank you for your attention!!! SAMOPLYAS-Dance and Wellness program. Here you will see the training lessons on Russian compositions and combinations. This is not a stage or folk dance, we have adapted the movements for free perception and performance. Everything is very easy and simple. DANCE ALWAYS AND EVERYWHERE!!!! Let SAMPLES unites us!
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