Knowledge and Secrets Exposed Through Ayurvedic Pulse Reading

#AyurPrana Inspired by Vasant Lad, AyurPrana is the story of a group of friends leaving their unbalanced demanding lifestyles for a natural and balanced way of life. Via educational webinars we share our knowledge and expertise in ancient and modern sciences. Follow our videos as we divulge ancient Ayurvedic healing secrets. #VasantLad World renowned author and speaker, Vasant Lad brought Ayurveda to the United States by founding the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1984. He continues to write extensively and lecture through educational webinars at . Welcome to Ayurprana; learn how to live your best life, naturally: 💚 Official Ayurprana Website: 🌱 🌐 🌐 🌐 🌐
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