Living game teambuilding Зима Близко 2:0

Living game is a brand-new, creative format of team-building activity. Living game is intended to meet a variety of challenges in the field of HR communication (by solving business and HR tasks), which are usually addressed with a whole complex of different training and development techniques. Another benefit of Living game is that it helps to make your brand as an employer more attractive for potential employees. Living game 2.0 is a resource strategy, a business game, a team-building exercise, and an assessment center platform. And most importantly, this is not just about playing on cards or lists of paper in a conference room. Living game takes place in the real world, and involves using of resources and solving of game tasks. The participants of Living game are going to have to come up with strategies, form themselves into groups, find their own food, protect their territories, develop policies and constantly interact with other players. Basically, the whole game is a non-stop cross-functional communication. There are going to be tables to turn and hard decision to make.
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