Walk then sit: A scientific recipe that helps babies stop crying

New research published in Current Biology demonstrates the importance of carrying crying infants rather than simply holding them. Led by Kumi Kuroda at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS) in Japan, the study details how crying babies are physiologically affected by being held, carried, and laid down. The data yield a simple but cost-free and effective technique that increases the chance of getting a crying infant to calm down and sleep in bed. Infant crying and sleep problems are major sources of parental stress, but up until now there have been few things that parents could do. Here, RIKEN researchers propose an evidence-based, cost-free method to sooth crying babies and lay them down to sleep. Parenting needs science! Reference: Ohmura et al. (2022) A method to soothe and promote sleep in crying infants utilizing the transport response. Current Biology. doi:
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