【足太ぺんた】5センチ先の夢 踊ってみた【H△G】 1080 x 1920 sm38111164

“How long have you walked? Still, this road is still going on. “ It’s the 12th anniversary of dancing soon. I tried to dance “Dream 5 cm ahead“ of my favorite H △ G who also appeared in the MV. I wish I could become a person who can push everyone’s back like these lyrics. I would be happy if I could dance with everyone! H△G「5センチ先の夢」MV→ H△G official site → 振付→ ぺんた 撮影協力ありがとうございました!→名古屋JRゲートタワーホテル THE GATEHOUSE 様 マイリスト→mylist/22912938 投稿動画一覧→series/85202 コミュ→co1358080 ぺんたHP→ Twitter→ 足太ぺんた 01/12/2021 20:30 Views 74,146
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