Young Man from Alcala -
Pete Seeger and the Almanac singers
Many thanks to Cracken1979 for the lyric!!
A Spaniard who hailed from Alcala
When angered would shout ’mucho mala!’
He’d toss a grenade at a Moorish Brigade
And blew all the facists to Allah
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
Oh the Lincoln Battalion by crackey
A bunch of brave bozos though whacky
They held down the line for months at a time
’Gainst Franco xxx and his lackey.
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
’t Was there on the plains of Brunete
Mr. hail steel and confetti
With our planes an
...d our bombs we would xxx Franco’s ranks
And pick out Italian spagetta
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
Oh the Lincoln boys fought at Jarama
They made the fascisti cry ’Mama!’
They were holding the line for months at a time
And for football they would play with bomma
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
A codger from ol’ Albacete
Took ...... ?
When asked how he felt he just hitched up his belt
And said I can’t tell just as yetta
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
Yippy ai-adda aye-ai
Abraham Lincoln Brigade:
XV International Brigade:
Spain 1936-1939:
Pete Seeger:
Almanac Singers:
Woody Guthrie:
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