Not Forgotten - Alundra | The Legend of Zelda Successor of Your Dreams

Visit my GOG Partner page for curated list of over 100 games ► While we all know about action adventure classics like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past, similar games might be unknown or overlooked as a half-baked knock-off without the clever design that made those games great. What if I told you that Alundra is as close as we may ever get to a true Zelda: A Link to the Past successor with even more clever and mind-bending puzzles and challenges that set a new standard in the genre? Well let’s take a look at this underexposed classic by Matrix Software and Working Designs and see what I am talking about in this episode of Not Forgotten. You can still buy Alundra for the PS3, PSP and PS Vita digitally on the Playstation store: Thumbnail artwork is based on a drawing by CottonyHotchkiss. Check out her amazing artwork here:
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