PAINT WITH ME Tulip Flowers 🌷 Floral Acrylic Painting on Small Canvas | Art Vlog 2022
Hello,beautiful people! ❤ Today I’m gonna share with you how I painted this floral acrylic painting of tulip flowers. Unfortunately, this is not gonna be a step-by-step tutorial because there are no exact steps I followed for creating this piece- I painted this one completely intuitively. I hope some of you might get inspired by this painting, or if not - I hope you will simply enjoy watching this relaxing art video (: Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Please, have in mind that there are millions of ways to create an artwork. I’m not a teacher, I’m just showing you how I painted this one, completely intuitively and simply enjoying the process. :)
AMSTERDAM Acrylic Paint – Titanium White:
Amsterdam Standard Acrylic Paint - Permanent Red Violet :