Exodus / Barcelona Razzmatazz / August , 6th , 2022

г. Live Music Shows 01- The Beatings Will Continue (Until Morale Improves) (0:23) 02- A Lesson in Violence (3:02) 03- Blood In, Blood Out (6:50) 04- The Years of Death and Dying (11:29) 05- Deathamphetamine (18:09) 06- Blacklist (24:11) playing with the audience (32:55) 07- Piranha (34:10) 08- Prescribing Horrorc (38:21) 09- Bonded by Blood (43:35) 10- The Toxic Waltz (Gary Holt played Slayer’s… more) (48:14) 11- Strike of the Beast (54:47)
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