🏅WWSD AR15 to 650yds: Practical Accuracy [InRange TV rifle | 1-8 ACSS Griffin Mil]
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🏅Current record holder - lowest round count for optic-ready service rifle
Upon double checking, this is 6lbs8oz, so , not the previously stated see correction video:
So What Would Stoner Do [WWSD] in the year 2020? That was a question that Ian and Karl at InRange had when they pondered intellectually on how a rifle would look if it used the retro Colt 601 design principals with modern manufacturing techniques and materials. The end result was the WWSD2020 rifle that Brownells offers.
To further optimize this rifle for the distance course, we matched the WWSD rifle with a Primary Arms 1-8x Griffin mil and 77 grain match ammunition specifically to also squeeze all potential out of it to succeed on the course.
Weight is the single most important factor going into this build. With a barrel that is skinnier tha
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3 years ago 00:23:53 1
🏅WWSD AR15 to 650yds: Practical Accuracy [InRange TV rifle | 1-8 ACSS Griffin Mil]