A Journal For Jordan - Joy 30“ - Exclusively At Cinemas January 21

Next year experience #AJournalForJordan, a film based on a true story of love beyond words, directed by Denzel Washington, and starring Michael B. Jordan and Chanté Adams. Exclusively At Cinemas January 21, 2022 Subscribe to us for updates: Follow us on social: Directed by Denzel Washington and starring Michael B. Jordan with a screenplay by Virgil Williams, A JOURNAL FOR JORDAN is based on the true story of Sergeant Charles Monroe King (Jordan), a soldier deployed to Iraq who begins to keep a journal of love and advice for his infant son. Back at home, senior New York Times editor Dana Canedy (Chanté Adams) revisits the story of her unlikely, life-altering relationship with King and his enduring devotion to her and their child. A sweeping account of a once-in-a-lifetime love, the film is a powerful reminder of the importanc
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