ITALY: DISASTERS: Record high water for eighteen years threatens Venice (1934)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit FLOODS MENACE VENICE Freak tide wreaks havoc. Record high water for eighteen years threatens foundations? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION Venice, Italy: Gen. view pan. and semi view of people walking across planks in flooded sqe. Gen. view of mosaic working under water. Long view of boy somersaulting in water. Long view of St. Marks Cathedral. Long view and semi view of pigeons flying around post. Sound Effects: Off-stage voice talks about floods and mentions that the mosaic work on which Venice is built is sinking. Italy; Weather Background: FLOODS MENACE VENICE Freak tide wreaks havoc. Record high water for eighteen years threatens foundations of world-famous buildings of unique beauty. FILM ID: VLVAENIHQ8SMXALBGDCMG007CO8RJ To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: Br
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