Sit back, and enjoy as Chris Anders takes you down a completely remarkable Utah mountain road. With a stunning view, during the most beautiful time of year. Talk about picturesque!
The boys ventured to Utah’s most insane road last fall. But of course had to hit Utah’s finest road on the way back! This trip was quite crazy, and due to unfortunate circumstances, we ended up riding in the back of a U-Haul across Americas loneliest highway to get home. Good times....
Skater: Chris Anders
Filmer: Spud
Location: Utah
Instagrams: @spud4k, @linkedmedia, @chwanders
Wheels: Free Wheel Co Qui
Trucks: 200mm Aera K4’s
Skateboard: Drang Dendron
This run was originally for our full film: 2020 Vision. Link to that here -
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