Witch Broom Earrings / Tutorial

Happy October friends and makers! I hope you enjoy these little witchy earrings. Join my PATREON! Material needed 2 pieces of 16 gauge wire - 4 cm each 40 pieces of 24 gauge wire - 4 cm each 2 pieces of 24 gauge wire - 17 cm each 2 ear wires Im using copper wire in this videos but feel free to use any metal/wire you like. Tools Cutting tool Pliers Bail/round pliers Reference videos How to make a pair of ear wires How to patina your jewelry Amazon link to gel liver of sulfur Liver of Sulphur Gel, 1 Ounce Bottle | =cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_TE6AW94Q3KFV43XFPVW1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
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