LAPLAND | The Untouched

Footage licensing: Lapland – the Untouched takes you to some of the remotest places in the Finnish wilderness. These uninhabited and roadless areas, home to Sámi people, have remained in their near-natural state hidden away from most of mankind – unspoilt, as they should be. In the northernmost Lapland summer is over before it even begins. During the snow-free time the only way to reach the locations shown in the film is by foot. Lapland the Untouched covers 600km of hiking at Sápmi in 6 wilderness areas and in the Urho Kekkonen National Park and the Kevo Strict Nature Reserve. I’ve done timelapse-films alone for quite some time now and doing everything on your own requires a lot. Carrying half of your weight in gear in the wild may be physically hard, but the greatest battles are fought in the mind. During the less pleasant moments you realise just how alone you really are and begin to understand what really matters the most. T
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