SPIDER-MAN | No Way Home | Movie Reaction | Huge Moment In SuperHero History | Spidey Overload

#SpidermanNowayHome #Drstrange #MultiverseOfMadness We finish up the live action Spidey movies with Spider-Man No Way home featuring tons of cameos from Tobey Maguire Spidey Andrew Garfield Spidey and our current MCU Spidey Tom Holland. This movie is iconic and I feel like down the road this will be the best Spiderman movie. Green goblin again shows and proves why he is 2nd on the list of Villians all time he was ruthless and even more maniacal. Marvel Studios and Sony pulled it off with great stars and great story again I feel like In the end this will be the best Spider-Man movie we have. Let us know in the comments how you feel about this movie Do you think we will see more of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in their Spidey universe’s? Do you think we will see Tobey Maguire in Multiverse of Madness? Like and Subscribe Full Reaction On Our Patreon: Whiite Gold TikTok:
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