Welcome New Cinema (1961)

Welcome new cinema. Sheffield. L/S the new ABC cinema where the Premiere of “Don’t bother To Knock“ is being held in the evening. Angle shot. The lights as at the rear of the Auditorium camera pans round to show curtains opening to reveal the screen. L/S The curtains opening. L/S the coffee bar in the cinema. C/U of film star Richard Todd drinking. C/U People sitting in the coffee bar lounge. pan the contemporary lights. L/S Exterior of cinema in evening car drawing up outside. M/S of June Thorburn Producer Frank Godwin, and Dawn Beret arriving outside the cinema. C/U June Thorburn pan to Frank Godwin and Dawn Beret. L/S of crowd waving. M/S of Richard Todd and Nicole Maurey arriving. C/U of Nicole as she walks out of camera and Richard Todd walks into camera. C/U of old woman in crowd. M/S of the mayor and mayoress arriving. Mayoress is handed bouquet in foyer. L/S of poster advertising the film. More shots of the stars standing together. C/U of projectionist putting reel onto projector. C/U hand w
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