Walter White VS Gordon Ramsay - NEW EPISODE

Yo guys I must warn you that I can’t outdone myself every time because that’s not the point, this episode was planned six months ago. Walter could have thrown the pizza in the first episode, but I was leading up to a moment when it would fit best so it’s not about running out of ideas. Episodes are not made on the fly but are planned months ago (Vince Gilligan style lol) It’s no coincidence that events led up to Flyn’s appearance and then to the scene in Gordon’s office, and in what order the participants appear. For example, in order to make the line in the office about the meth make sense, I had to show it beforehand. The next episode with Gus, will have a small connection to the first episode, ect. And then there’s the bigger picture which is very difficult to implement. I spent days just looking at the storyboard how to put these puzzles together and checking if they were technically feasible, the idea in my head
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