YEAT - 2093 (FULL ALBUM) Yeat - Never Changëd 0:00 Yeat - Turbothots 2:23 Yeat - Wassup Matë 5:21 Yeat - Be Më 9:01 Yeat - Playin Gamës 12:56 Yeat - Last Day 16:36 Yeat - WHAT YOU SAID! 19:14 Yeat - Evëry Typa Bad 22:29 Yeat - Traumatizëd 25:59 Yeat - Tha Getup 29:19 Yeat - Down Bad 32:39 Yeat - Sacraficë 35:45 Yeat - Rackz In 39:50 Yeat - Trust It 42:35 Yeat - Simplë 45:50 Yeat - Swerve 2 A Swerve 48:45 Yeat - Tha Worstië 51:30 #yeat #2093 #yeatnewalbum #fullalbum
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