Italo House compiled by Joey Negro - Album Sampler

Available now from - Following on from the phenomenal success of the recent “Remixed With Love“ compilation plus more Joey Negro compiled albums including “GoGo Get Down“, “Backstreet Brit Funk“, “Destination Boogie“ and the ever-popular Soul of Disco series Z Records continues to release high quality compilations filled with lesser known disco, funk and boogie. Now it’s the turn of “Italo House“ to get the JN selection treatment with over 20 tracks hand picked from the late 80’s and early 90’s covering a lot of the deeper classics and some lesser known releases from a golden era of Italia...n dance music. The late 80s were undoubtedly a golden era for dance music. A time which saw the birth of many genres and sub genres - from acid house to hardcore to Balearic - and of course Italo house. If you ask Jo Raver to name an Italo house track, they’d probably come back with Blackbox, Jinny
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