This should be el next Super Bowlo halftime show...

This year´s Super Bowl halftime show was horrendo!!! I no mind The Weeknd´s musica is actually quite nice, but the fruit of the loomos on the face and all the ugly subliminal messages were not a very nice visual... so we propose our own show. We can fly in the Myanmar Coup girl, and if we sprinkle some parmesano cheese on stage, i sure señor Hunter will come-a running 😂😂😂 Youtube hit us with el copyrighto so i had to change el songo😂 If you´re one of mis Patriotos and you want to help out so i can keep busting mi butto to make you laugh, I FRIGGIN LOVE YOU!!! And i promise mis Patreon postos will be Pure Epicnesso!!! You can support my worko here:
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