First intermediate / advanced @Pumpfidence combo of 2022 baby! Setting it off right! Thank you for being here & sharing in the energy.
Pumpfidence Dance Tutorials -
Mental Health & Spiritual Guidance Videos -
Journal Practices & Online Zoom Classes -
In person classes with me are:
Beginner Heels - Monday’s 8pm at Dynamic Duo Dance Studio
Int / Adv Heels - Friday’s 8pm at PlaygroundLA
Follow me, the choreographer, on IG @LoveBrinnNicole / TikTok - BrinnNicole / Subscribe here@brinnnicole
Dancers featured in order of performance:
1. IG - @LoveBrinnNicole @TheeMargieD @EllenaTakos @Selena4422 @JakeGonzalesx
2. IG - @ItsKaylaSimone_
3. IG - @EllenaTakos
4. IG - @JakeGonzalesx
5. IG - @TheeMargieD
6. IG - @RoRo_Kamion
7. IG - @LoveBrinnNicole
8. IG - @Selena4422
9. IG - @IsabelHousner