How To Paint Semi Abstract Watercolour Mountains Using Cling Wrap, Loose Watercolor Tutorial

In this video I’m experimenting with a limited palette and using wax resist and cling film/plastic food wrap to try to create the texture of mountains. The wax resist didn’t have much effect, but the cling wrap worked beautifully! Give it a try, you may be surprised at your results! Materials: Saunders Waterford cold pressed NOT paper, 11“ x 15“/28cm x 38cm, paynes grey, sepia, lamp black, some raw and burnt sienna may have already been on the messy palette, but not important. I tried drawing onto the paper with a candle for wax resist, but this didn’t really show in the final result. I used various brushes including hakes, flats, riggers, calligraphy brushes, and some plastic cling film/food wrap.
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