FFC-Acrush 和 PETA亚洲善待动物组织 一起做号召#领养代替购买# 来自永康一个流浪动物救助站的四只流浪狗狗和Acrush一起公益宣传。大灰和小黄被虐待过,被救回来不久仍然有防御心理,不过尾巴一直摇没停过。十一和豆花被人遗弃,有严重的皮肤病,救助回来已经好多啦。Acrush宝宝们心疼坏了。。。小伙伴们一定要爱护小动物,支持领养代替购买。另外,我们救回来的小钙奶也要给它找个新家啦,希望它也很快能有温暖的家。
FFC-Acrush and PETA Asia encourage everyone to #AdoptDontShop! Four rescue dogs from an animal shelter in Yongkang are shooting a public service advertisement with Acrush. Big Grey and Little Yellow were still a bit wary of humans after being rescued recently from their abusive previous owners, but their tails never stopped wagging. Eleven and Douhua were abandoned due to their severe skin diseases, and are doing much better after being rescued! Acrush’s hearts broke for these babies... Please remember to take care of animals, and to adopt pets rather than shop. Also, our Gainai, the stray we took in, needs a new home. We hope she can soon find someplace she can be loved.
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6 days ago 00:20:37 2
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