THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS | 2023 REMASTER | Fallout: New Vegas Rap!

Bethesda just released their hotly anticipated new RPG ’Starfield’ and I am absolutely not above mentioning that in the opening lines of this description to boost this video about a totally different Bethesda property in the algorithm. Constellation. Vasco. Pronouns. Et cetera. It’s been a little quiet around here lately! But somewhat paradoxically not because I haven’t been making stuff, but because I’ve been making so much stuff simultaneously that none of it is quite ready yet... So have a remaster in the meantime! This track is a personal favourite of mine from the early days of the channel. As my first foray into ’angry businessperson monologues to music’ content, a genre and niche I seem to have created for myself, it has always held a special place in my heart. And as I have many of my older songs remastered to bring them in line with the audio processing standards required for a physical music release (more news on that soon!) you can bet this was
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