IELTS Speaking Test Band 7.5 (Turkey), with Examiner’s Feedback

You are watching Speaking Test 20 from Set 4 Book in “High Scorer’s Choice“ IELTS Practice Tests series. All the books (Set 1 to Set 6) are available here in digital format or on Amazon in print, and more speaking test videos are in our YouTube channel. Murat is a student from Turkey, and a good example of IELTS Band 7.5 candidate. Do you know why he would get Band 7.5 in Speaking? His examiner explains below: Section 1 - 0:20 Murat delivered a good and confident section 1. He provided thoughtful and full answers and easily fulfilled the time requirements. Murat spoke mostly fluently and coherently, with only short pauses to access ideas rather than language. He also uses humour to add to his communication. Murat’s vocabulary was excellent and he showed a range of appropriate lexis, sometimes showing he had access to some higher-level language, i.e. “significant impact” and “schemas of the world”. Murat’s grammatical range and accuracy was also very good w
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