Divide a circle into 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11…♾️

My favourite ways to divide a circle into however many segments you want using a compass and straight edge. Perfect for making mandala grids or any number of DIY projects really. 7, 9 and 11 aren’t 100% accurate but they’re extremely close. ⭕️ Classes → Tools used → ☾ Discord → ☾ 00:00 2,4,8 00:37 3.6 01:10 5,10 02:40 7 03:37 9 04:56 11 ☾ This video was made possible thanks to my awesome Patreon supporters and channel members... Sharon, Johanna Moulton, Mustafa Bas, Paul White, Jeremy Swerdlow, Jojo R, Nick Ladd, Lisa Cedarleaf Morris, Jasmine, Dlb, Cinco Leone, Cyril Garnier, Amanda, Seb Cotterell, Thea Bristlebroom, Malad70, Nacho Business, Gourmez, Freya, May, Sascha Bollin, Yash Chitnis, Sandra Clark, Kenneth D. Grapp, Nathalie De Snijder, Laura, Derrick V, Brandon Henderson, Dustan
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