Asking AI to Create a Male University Student Picture for Every Country

Enjoyed this video? Don’t miss these ones too! Couple Picture Ver. - Family Picture Ver. - Most Handsome Man Picture Ver. - Most Beautiful Woman Picture Ver. - Traditional Clothing Ver. - Wedding Picture Ver. - Kids (Boy & Girl) Pictures Ver. - Journey Into the AI Imagination! Welcome to AI Imaginary World! This is a fiction channel where you can fully enjoy the fictional world created by AI. Let’s explore the possibilities of AI together and enjoy the advancements of AI in real time! Any feedback on my videos is welcome in the comments! Your feedback really helps me in improving my videos! My popular videos of AI’s Imaginary Future World : Asking AI how every country will look in 2123 Asking AI how every country will look in 3000 Asking AI how every country will look in 5000 My popular videos of AI’s Imaginary Past World : Asking AI how every country looked in the 19th century Asking AI how every country looked 100 years ago Asking AI how every country looked in the 17th century My popular videos of AI’s Imaginary Human : Asking AI to Create a Family Picture for Every Country Asking AI to Create a Most Beautiful Woman Picture for Every Country Asking AI to Create a Most Handsome Man Picture for Every Country Enjoy & stay connected with us! 👉 Subscribe to my channel : @AIImaginaryWorld Image : Midjourney Music : SOUNDRAW Related videos created by other creators : Ai808 - Countries as Students |Created with AI Time Machine AI - I Asked Ai to Create Most Handsome Man in Every Country Fun with A.I - Asking AI to create a family picture for every single country (New version) Hashtags #universitystudent #picture #aiart #fiction #college #collegestudent #university #midjourney #iaskedai #allcountries #aiimaginaryworld #ai #technology #aigenerated #aigeneratedvideo #aiimages #aivideo #art #chatgpt 0:00 Europe 3:12 Africa 6:48 Asia 9:56 North America 10:08 Central America and the Caribbean 11:28 South America 12:16 Oceania
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