Install and Configure Test Controller on Test Server

This video is part of TFS 2010 Enterprise installation and Configuration Guide, for more information about the full guide, visit the guide on Codeplex If you would like to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics development, including the overview of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM itself, installing Microsoft Dynamics 2016 on Azure VM and how to upgrade to Dynamics 365, how to develop Dynamics CRM plugin, how to debug Microsoft Dynamics CRM project, create and run unit tests using FakeXRMEasy and Microsoft Fakes, JavaScript and front end unit tests as well code quality using JSHint, also how to create and run UI and how to integrate all the practices as part of the CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery), - have a look at this post: http://moha ... #MRadwanMSF #TFS_installation #TFS_configuration #TFS #Team_Foundation_Server 20120417 jk12M5UYtJw
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