My journey through thick and thin, through good and bad. I’ve struck the strings to emerge from the sadness and harp on a beautiful journey of melodies.
Perhaps these are my emotions embedded in music - extreme & slight, sharp or dull, fast and slow yet all held together.
Presenting my composition bipolar part 2
A Combination of experimental , finger & percussive style
The guitar used in the composition is designed and made by Shashank verma
Instruments used
guitar 6 string
guitar 12 string
drum kit
ortega kicks
#guitar #guitarist #shashankverma #shashankvermaguitarist #mask #maskguitarist #curlyhair #tattoo #onemanband #percussiveguitar #fingerstyle #unique #uniqueguitar
#fishmanpickups #ortegaguitars #pickasoguitarbow #g7thcapo
Special thanks to sponsors
@fishman , @ortega guitars @pickasoguitarbow @g7th capo company
Audio Mixed and recorded by
Shail saini (kb studios)
Camera team