Полный обзор Olwyn Shieldbearer

Dwarf holds extend for miles underground, their tunnels and mines snaking through the bedrock of the mountains. As mineshafts run dry, the Dwarfs will simply abandon them, leaving vast stretches of tunnel unwatched as they look elsewhere. The Ironbreakers are Dwarfs tasked with guarding the hold from the dangers that lurk in those abandoned tunnels. During one fairly routine patrol in the dark deeps, Olwyn’s group found themselves surrounded by Skaven. At the head of the group was an enormous Rat Ogre. As Ironbreakers fell under his terrible claws, they began to start moving back towards the hold, but Olwyn pushed forward to face off against him. He tore at her with his claws, but she deflected every attack with her shield. He roared in frustration, and Olwyn stepped forward and smashed his skull in with a single blow. Olwyn still fights with the same determination, carring her allies into battle behind her and punishing any who dare to
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