[ENG] INTO1 Hand Identification Challenge 220601

We are #INTO1Subs! We’ve translated INTO1’s Hand Identification Challenge. Please continue to support INTO1 and subscribe to this channel for more translated INTO1 content. Join our team! For translators, near-full Chinese and full English fluency is preferred; for timers, moderate-full Chinese and full English fluency is preferred. No subbing experience is needed, but we will ask you to do a short test to ensure necessary proficiency, and to ensure you are a good fit. If interested, you can find us at the INTO1 discord server, dm us on twitter (@into1subs) or email us at into1subs@. Join the INTO1 discord! Twitter: Email into1subs@ or dm us on Twitter to request translations/subs! Do not repost without credit! Subs and translations take a lot of time to do! Keep supporting our boys, Liu Yu, Santa, Riki, Mika, Nine (Gao Qingchen), Lin Mo, Bo Yuan, Zhang Jiayuan,
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