➜ 30 Minute Standing Workout Best Exercises for HANGING BELLY ➜ Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

⚠️ Check out our website for FREE personalized workouts, nutrition tips, and energizing exercises. Visit How Much Exercise Is Required to Lose Belly Fat? It is advised that you engage in 75 minutes of strenuous aerobic exercise, 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, or a combination of the two per week if you want to lose belly fat. The instructions advise spreading out this activity over the course of a week. Even more activity will have a positive impact on your health. Adults should engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity five days a week or more, according to recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Three or more 20-minute sessions (60 minutes) will help you reach your target if you prefer more intense exercise more frequently throughout the week. A minimum of twice a week of strength exercise is also advised by the CDC and ACSM. These exercises should target the upper body, lower body, and core while engaging all of the major muscle groups. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests that a minimum of 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise may be required weekly to lower your body weight by 5% or more or to sustain your recent weight reduction. Timestamps 00:00 - Knee Leg Lifts 01:05 - Standing Behind Sky Reach 02:05 - Yin Yang Leg Lift 03:05 - Half Squat Side Reach 04:05 - Rear Fly Stepback 05:05 - Diagonal Lunge 06:05 - Step Knee Thrust 07:05 - 4 Coners Side Step 08:05 - Knee Raise Side Jabs 09:05 - 4 Punches Side Squat 10:05 - Arms Lift Leg Kickback 11:05 - Side Step Grab 12:05 - Dancer Bend 13:05 - Reverse Lunge Quick Arms 14:05 - Punch Stepback 15:05 - Sweep March 16:05 - Double Punch Knee Raise 17:05 - Twist Squat 18:05 - Standing Hip Frontal Rotation Arm Bounces 19:05 - Ski Runners 20:05 - Standing Hip Saggital Rotation with Shoulders Transverse Flexion 21:05 - Back Kick Heel Touches 22:05 - Diagonal Punch 23:05 - Squat Side Power Kick 24:05 - Standing Ab Twist 25:05 - Lateral Shuffle Squat Tap 26:05 - Side Bend Arm Stretch L 27:05 - Side Bend Arm Stretch R 28:05 - Side to Side Bicep Curl 29:05 - Side Walk Double Leg Lift
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