Call of Juarez: The Cartel - ALL WEAPONS Showcase (60 FPS)

All content from this video and this channel is recorded and edited only by me. If you’re asking how many video games I have, well, maybe over 250. ----------- WEAPONS LIST/GUNS LIST: HANDGUNS----------------- 0:10 EAGLE 0:28 FIVE-SEVEN 0:46 92FS 1:04 JERICHO 1:20 MAKAROV 1:32 MOSQUITO 1:48 S 5906 2:03 USP REVOLVERS---------------- 2:22 GP100 2:48 MODEL 29 3:15 PPC 3:39 BULL SMGs--------------------- 4:07 SKORPION 4:21 UZI 4:35 MP5 4:53 UMP SHOTGUNS----------------- 5:15 AS-12 5:34 R870 5:54 M500 6:16 M4 RIFLES------------------- 6:40 K416 6:58 AK 7:16 FAL 7:42 FX-5 SNIPER RIFLES------------ 8...:03 SVD 8:23 M24 LMGs--------------------- 8:41 M60 9:12 PKM ------------------------------------------------------
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