UE4 - Tutorial / HowTo - Line of Sight Vision System
A tutorial that shows how to create and implement a third person Line of Sight vision system. Project starts with just a standard TwinStick start project.
The example mask used here can be found on my written documentation page of this tutorial:
Note: I did realize after recording that I could flip the subtraction on the player position and world position nodes in the post process material. You can do this if you would like to eliminate the need to break, flip, and then make the vector it produces.
(00:00) - Introduction
(00:25) - Post Process
(11:03) - Creating a Custom Render Target
(24:22) - Create Line Trace System
(32:35) - Drawing Triangles to Render Target
(43:15) - Prevent Tiling of Render Target
(44:43) - Adding Small Visibility Circle Around Player