Kruger National Park BIG 5 Overlanding Adventure 2019

Kruger National Park BIG 5 Overlanding Adventure 2019 In this episode we adventure travel from Ponte de Oura, Mozambique to Ngwenya lodge, Crocodile bridge, South Africa, where we get some R ’n R for 6 days. Then we head to a golden campsite that is the Jackal Berry Lodge. What a magic place, and a fantastic trip - Enjoy, and leave us a comment. Here is our trip summary of this adventure, and hope it helps get you out there, and adventure new places. Adventure is always around the next corner, go and enjoy it. Stay tuned for BOTSWANA, Nxai Pans sneak peak at the end of this episode. Coming soon, as I travel with some South African YoutTube content creators. Legends. Hope you enjoyed the episode, please share the link - let’s grow the community. Have your say, leave a comment, and please subscribe. Looking forward to taking you with us on our next adventure. JackalBerry Lodge: Ngwenya Lodge: https://www
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