A long time ago in a galaxy far, far an alternate reality, a young Billy Luke Skywalker has befriended Ol’ Ben Ken Bobby. After receiving a distressing message from the beautiful debutante, Charleia, the two set off to Mos Eislenburg, Kentucky. Here they run into the local moonshine trafficker and overall scumbag , Hank Solo Jr., in a seedy local bar. Solo offers the two a ride past the county line in his beat up Ford Falcon as long as they don’t mind riding with his dog, Chewingtobacca. The adventure of a lifetime is on the horizon for this unlikely entourage, and I like to imagine this would be the soundtrack.
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Born in the Manitoba prefecture of Canada, samuraiguitarist, Steve-san Onotera, honed his discipline under the study of the country’s most powerful musical sensei.
Bred on rock, raised on the blues, trained in jazz, samuraiguitarist creates incredibly innovative videos that showcase his talents on the guitar.
“Star Wars Main Theme“, “Force Theme“, “Throne Room“ and “Imperial Death March“ are composed by John Williams
Big ups to my friend Roberto for lending me his BB-8!
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