How to make Honey Butter Fried Chicken

#HowToMakeHoneyButterFriedChicken #HoneyButterFriedChicken #HoneyButterFriedChicken #HoneyButterFriedChickenRecipe #HoneyButterFriedChickenRecipes #GinaYoungHoneyButterFriedChicken #HowToCookHoneyButterFriedChicken Welcome everyone to my channel an d thank you all for watching Tell me this have you all ever heard of Honey Butter Chicken If you haven’t you are in for a Serious treat. This Recipe is BY far some of the best Chicken that I like to make I can’t wait until you all try it. If your new welcome if you are returning welcome Back make surest Subscribe to the channel and click the Notification bell to be notified when I upload new content. Also feel free to check out my playlist I have a video for every food you could think of enjoy. And as always thank you all for watching God Bless Good night love you all make you some Honey Butter Fried Chicken Gina Young Style. Honey Butter Chicken Recipe . INGREDIENTS Chicken salt pepper veg seasoning salt free veg oil butter milk hot sauce all purp
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