Minecraft: How to Build a Tanker Ship in Minecraft (DWT800) | Minecraft Tanker Ship Tutorial

In this Tutorial Video i show u guys how to build a tanker Container Ship called DWT800 in Minecraft! Dont Forget to leave a Like, subscribe and hit the bell! Donate Now to support this Channel! Model of a small tanker. The actual size of the model. The model is made in the balance of quality and volume, size of the model. Can be used for close species. Games. Virtual reality. Materials are customized. Damen Tankers are highly flexible, able to transport many different types of cargo. The volume to deadweight ratio has been optimised for many cargo densities, as has the layout to allow the vessel to achieve its maximum operational potential. Our tankers are reliable, require minimal maintenance and are designed to comply with all current regulations. Minecraft - Oil Tanker & Harbour, Minecraft: Container Ship Tutorial (CMS COLOMBO EXPRESS), Wie baut man ein Containerschiff in Minecraft, minecraft,warships,tut
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