Mammals for Kids | Learn all about the unique characteristics of mammals and what mammals are!

Mammals for kids is a fun engaging video that will help students learn all about the characteristics of mammals and what mammals really are! We quickly introduce animal classification and the difference between the types of animals but we mostly focus on what makes mammals unique in this video. From being warm blooded, to giving birth to live offspring we cover it all! When you are done watching the video we invite you to come and download our free lesson plans about mammals that will help cement the learning. We have lesson plans that will help students from 1st grade to 3rd grade learn about animal classifications and how to identify the different kinds of animals. Check them out below: Mammals and Reptiles Lesson plan (adaptable for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade): Identify Animals lesson plan (2nd and 3rd Grade): Thank you for watching and learning wi
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