Zambezi Express - The Amazing New African Dance Musical...
Highlights from this amazing new show. The story follows a boy named Zilli, born in the slums of a township in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe who dreams of becoming a top-flight footballer. His adventures on the Zambezi Express - the train that leaves Bulawayo for South Africa once a week - and his struggles in the big city have created this extraordinary, pulsating new show straight from the heart of Africa. Pounding, multi-layered African beats and powerful acapella vocals alongside jumping, jiving, and acrobatic dan
11 months ago 00:02:37 1
1955 Lou Busch - Zambezi (a #1 UK hit*)
4 years ago 00:03:34 14
The Zambezi express
4 years ago 00:02:44 1
Batman Arkham City flawless Clayface Sword AMD Radeon 7770